Timber Framing History

..time tested building methods

Timber Framing

Timber framing is a traditional construction method where large wooden beams and posts, or timbers, form the primary structural framework of a building. This technique, dating back centuries, involves using intricate joinery like mortise & tenon, dovetails, and scarfs to name a few. Timber framing provides a rustic aesthetic, energy efficiency due to the natural insulation properties of wood, and allows for flexible design. Skilled craftsmanship is integral, creating durable and visually appealing structures, often seen in homes, barns, and other architectural works.

Timber Framer History

The methods employed in timber framing have ancient origins, tracing back to the Neolithic era, and have been utilized across various regions worldwide. The joints found in the construction of timber frame structures began to emerge as early as 200 BC. Nowadays, timber framers blend modern building techniques and technology to improve upon traditional methods.

Prior to Timber Framing in the United States

The historical popularity of timber framing has been notable in regions with climate conditions conducive to deciduous hardwood trees, like oak. The northernmost regions embracing this technique include the Baltic countries and southern Sweden. In contrast, timber framing is less common in Russia, Finland, northern Sweden, and Norway, where the availability of tall and straight lumber, particularly pine and spruce, has favored the preference for log houses.

Timber Frame Boom Ends

Until the early 1900s, timber framing stood as a primary construction model in the United States. However, the advent of the industrial revolution, coupled with the rising demand for housing, ushered in an era of producing smaller, dimensional lumber from new mills. This shift from timber frame construction gave rise to "light frame" construction or "stick building," characterized by a structural frame composed of numerous small lumber pieces.

Timber Frame Revival

In the 1970s, a dedicated group of builders revitalized the timber frame tradition, constructing buildings in a historically-inspired manner. Presently, timber frame construction seamlessly combines the strength and aesthetic appeal of the traditional timber frame with contemporary advancements in insulation, design, and more.

Timber Frame Today

Craftsmen are constructing remarkable timber frames using a diverse array of tools spanning various levels of technology. While some practitioners rely solely on straightforward, traditional hand tools, some employ advanced CNC machines capable of crafting nearly flawless frame members. A significant number of builders today opt for a balanced approach, integrating both traditional techniques and modern tools into their construction processes.

Timber Framing

JEOHWOOD is more than excellent carpenters. Our expertise extends to various structures, ranging from quaint rustic cabins to impressive contemporary homes and resorts. We work with ours clients in identifying the right balance between traditional methods and modern techniques. Contact us to discover more about our personalized heavy timber design and commence the journey to creating your timber frame home today!

Timber Frame History.

Timber frames are known for their durability and longevity, making them an excellent investment that retain value over time.