Timber Frame Engineering

..dedicated to the highest level of craft

Timber Framing

Timber framing is a traditional construction method where large wooden beams and posts, or timbers, form the primary structural framework of a building. This technique, dating back centuries, involves using intricate joinery like mortise & tenon, dovetails, and scarfs to name a few. Timber framing provides a rustic aesthetic, energy efficiency due to the natural insulation properties of wood, and allows for flexible design. Skilled craftsmanship is integral, creating durable and visually appealing structures, often seen in homes, barns, and other architectural works.

Timber Framing Construction

The process of constructing a timber frame begins with careful selection of the finest timber. JEOHWOOD ensures that all our products are crafted from wood sources that are responsibly and ethically harvested.

The Engineered Strength and Functional Benefits of Timber Frame Homes

Engineering timber frames involves precise load calculations, taking into account factors like the building's location, environment, and purpose.

Green vs Dried - click on the title to view Pat’s discussion on green timbers
Should we use green wood? Pat , with Shelter Institute explains, “that’s all we do is use green wood.” If we could wait 40 years to build we would use dry timbers. Some timber framers will use kiln dried wood which is expensive and is not a sustainable practice. Pat goes on to elaborate that kiln drying wood is a process that extracts moisture at a rate that is far too fast for long term stability of timbers. Green timbers have been used on most timber frames throughout history. The most important factors are accounting for all of the movement during the design and build phase, and final assembly of the frame happening in a timely manner so that the frame can dry and season while anchored together.

Test Fitting
All of our timber frames are constructed, assembled, and test fitted in our timber yard. When the frame is perfect, we disassemble and package the frame for re-erection on the actual construction site.

One of the thrilling phases in timber frame engineering is the erection of the timber frame building. After the home's floor is in place, the timber frame is transported, and its components are assembled into sections or "bents" using hardwood pegs. Utilizing a crane, these bents are then elevated into position, and individual timbers are subsequently installed to interconnect the standing bents.

Timber Frame Homes

JEOHWOOD is more than excellent carpenters. Our expertise extends to various structures, ranging from quaint rustic cabins to impressive contemporary homes and resorts. We work with ours clients in identifying the right balance between traditional methods and modern techniques. Contact us to discover more about our personalized heavy timber design and commence the journey to creating your timber frame home today!

Timber Frame NOW.

Timber frames are known for their durability and longevity, making them an excellent investment that retain value over time.