Hybrid Timber Frame Homes

..dedicated to the highest level of craft

Timber Framing

Timber framing is a traditional construction method where large wooden beams and posts, or timbers, form the primary structural framework of a building. This technique, dating back centuries, involves using intricate joinery like mortise & tenon, dovetails, and scarfs to name a few. Timber framing provides a rustic aesthetic, energy efficiency due to the natural insulation properties of wood, and allows for flexible design. Skilled craftsmanship is integral, creating durable and visually appealing structures, often seen in homes, barns, and other architectural works.

Hybrid Timber Frame Homes

These homes combine the traditional beauty and structural integrity of timber framing with modern construction techniques and materials. In these homes, different structural elements may be used in conjunction to create a unique and versatile living space.

The Aesthetic Charm and Functional Benefits of Hybrid Timber Frame Homes

Essential elements of timber framing can be integrated into the design of a contemporary home to achieve the desired ambiance reminiscent of timber frames. A significant advantage of opting for a hybrid home is the cost savings achieved without compromising on the distinctive appearance of a timber frame home. By incorporating timber framing in key areas like the great room, foyer, kitchen, or dining room, and employing more cost-effective construction methods in less communal spaces such as bathrooms and utility rooms, a balance is struck between aesthetics and budget. These considerations contribute perfect finishing touches to a home while remaining budget-friendly.

Design Flexibility
The hybrid approach allows for greater design flexibility. Homeowners can combine the warmth and character of exposed timber with the practicality of conventional construction, creating a customized and aesthetically pleasing living space.

Energy Efficiency
Hybrid timber frame homes are hand in hand with energy efficiency, with higher insulating properties than stick frames. The combination of timber's natural insulating properties with modern energy-efficient technologies can result in a home that meets contemporary standards for sustainability.

Hybrid Timber Frames and Full Timber Frames

In a hybrid timber frame, 2×6 wall framing may be utilized instead of the substantial posts and beams found in complete timber frame homes. The choice between these two structures ultimately depends on the client's vision. A notable characteristic of a full timber frame is the uniformity it brings to the entire home. With exposed timber, posts, and beams extending throughout all rooms, there's a consistent architectural flow. This coherence may be a deciding factor for those who prioritize a unified and harmonious aesthetic for their entire residence. On the other hand, some individuals appreciate the intentional contrast achieved by incorporating timber framing selectively, allowing certain areas to stand out.

Hybrid Timber Framing

JEOHWOOD is more than excellent carpenters. Our expertise extends to various structures, ranging from quaint rustic cabins to impressive contemporary homes and resorts. We work with ours clients in identifying the right balance between traditional methods and modern techniques. Contact us to discover more about our personalized heavy timber design and commence the journey to creating your timber frame home today!

Timber Frame NOW.

Timber frames are known for their durability and longevity, making them an excellent investment that retain value over time.