Timber Frame Builders

..dedicated to the highest level of craft

Timber Framing

Timber framing is a traditional construction method where large wooden beams and posts, or timbers, form the primary structural framework of a building. This technique, dating back centuries, involves using intricate joinery like mortise & tenon, dovetails, and scarfs to name a few. Timber framing provides a rustic aesthetic, energy efficiency due to the natural insulation properties of wood, and allows for flexible design. Skilled craftsmanship is integral, creating durable and visually appealing structures, often seen in homes, barns, and other architectural works.

Timber Framing Builders

Despite the abundance of online resources catering to DIY enthusiasts, the perception that constructing timber frame homes is simple and straightforward may arise. While someone proficient with blueprints and tools might manage to erect a basic structure, the nuances of quality construction involve several crucial considerations. These factors can significantly impact the outcome in terms of quality, maintenance costs, and longevity.

At JEOHWOOD, we collaborate with seasoned builders to ensure that projects are executed efficiently, align with specifications, and adhere to best practices. This approach guarantees the creation of a beautiful and enduring final product. We actively engage with you, providing the necessary support to help you deliver to your client the home of their dreams.

How Do You Build a Timber Frame House?

Choose a prime location, quality timber and design plan. The frame is produced, joinery is test fit and broken down for transport. At the building site, raise the frame and add an insulated wall system and roof.

Timber Frame Home Considerations

  • Size, Cost, and Design: suitable design for the location

  • Complete timber frame home OR hybrid timber home

  • Optimal wood types for particular goals

  • Incorporating energy-efficient design and features

  • Exploring options for cost savings

Cost of Timber Framing
As with any custom home, the costs to complete a project can range widely depending on factors such as the construction site's complexity, geographical location, and the desired quality of finishes. The overall expenses for a fully finished turn-key home may fall within the range of $300 to $500 per square foot. In contrast, timber frame kits are more budget-friendly, starting as low as $80.00 per square foot.

Timber Framing Lifespan
The lifespan of a timber frame home can vary based on several factors, including the quality of construction, maintenance practices, and environmental conditions. JEOHWOOD timber frame homes, with proper care, can last generations. Some timber frame homes in Europe have stood for centuries, showcasing the durability and longevity of this construction method.

Regular maintenance, such as addressing issues like insect infestations, moisture control, and occasional inspections, can contribute to the extended lifespan of a timber frame home. Additionally, the type of wood used, the design of the home, and the local climate can impact how well the structure withstands the test of time.

It's important to note that the lifespan of any home, including timber frame homes, depends on the level of care and attention it receives throughout the years.

Timber Frame Wood Choices
Typical wood choices for timber homes are Douglas Fir, White Oak, Red Oak, Larch, Western Red Cedar, and Alaskan Yellow Cedar. The right wood for a depends on location, environmental conditions, cost, design, and expectations. JEOHWOOD prioritizes the utilization of abundant locally sourced douglas fir.

Timber Homes

JEOHWOOD is more than excellent carpenters. Our expertise extends to various structures, ranging from quaint rustic cabins to impressive contemporary homes and resorts. We work with ours clients in identifying the right balance between traditional methods and modern techniques. Contact us to discover more about our personalized heavy timber design and commence the journey to creating your timber frame home today!

Timber Frame NOW.

Timber frames are known for their durability and longevity, making them an excellent investment that retain value over time.